Donald Mitchell, Andrew Cheng, Stamatios Krimigis, Edwin Keath, Stephen Jaskulek, Barry Mauk, Richard McEntire, Edmond Roelof, Donald Williams, Ke Hsieh, Virginia Drake
Optical Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue 12, (December 1993)
TOPICS: Microchannel plates, Particles, Ions, Extreme ultraviolet, Sensors, Chemical species, Magnetosphere, Saturn, Cameras, Signal processing
Techniques developed for the detection and characterization of energetic (>20 keV) ions in space plasmas have been modified to include imaging so that energetic neutral atoms at Saturn may be used to form images of the Saturnian magnetosphere and its interaction with the atmosphere of the moon Titan. The basic elements of the ion-neutral camera head on the magnetospheric imaging instrument for the Cassini mission are described, with emphasis on developmental detection techniques and components. In particular, pulse-height analysis of the microchannel plate responses to different mass neutrals is used for rough composition determination, and deflection plates in the aperture as well as time-of-flight measurements allow imaging of neutral atoms from within regions of moderate intensity ambient ion and electron fluxes.