1 November 2009 Electronic whiteboard construction using whiteboard and image-locating techniques
Wen-Yuan Chen, Jing-Wein Wang, Chin-Ho Chung
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We use image-locating techniques and a traditional whiteboard with two cameras to construct an electronic whiteboard (EWB) with a size of 88×176 cm corresponding to 1280-×1024-pixel resolution. We employ two strategies achieve the goal: (1) we develope a modified scale and bilinear interpolation (MSBI) method for pen locating and acceleration operation, and obtain high accuracy detection; and (2) a block parameter database (BPD) is created to improve the accuracy. For the BPD, we divide the whiteboard image into several blocks and record each block parameter (the X and Y coordinates) to follow pen position calculation. Experimental results demonstrate that the MSBI method can correctly calculate the pen position. Additionally, the BPD strategy is better than the traditional method as it improves the accuracy and decreases the maximum detection error from 6 to 3 pixels. The simulation results prove our method is an effective and low-cost EWB technique.
©(2009) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Wen-Yuan Chen, Jing-Wein Wang, and Chin-Ho Chung "Electronic whiteboard construction using whiteboard and image-locating techniques," Optical Engineering 48(11), 117202 (1 November 2009). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3258345
Published: 1 November 2009
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Optical engineering


Binary data

Signal detection

Image resolution


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