I am the founder of two R&D companies, working on projects related to control, signal processing, image processing, fault diagnostics and prognostics, and remote sensing. The past 30 years of research results with my numerous collaborators have been published in the form of 1 book, 4 book chapters, 15 patents, 60+ invention disclosures, 375+ journal and conference papers, over 550+ technical reports, and 120 competitively selected projects from government and private companies totaling more than 36 million dollars. I received numerous awards and recognitions from IEEE, NASA, and various agencies. I was elected a Fellow of OSA and a Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control in 2020. See my profile on Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiman-kwan-920377a?trk=hp-identity-name), research gate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chiman_Kwan), and Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FNF0WSgAAAAJ&hl=en).
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