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However, besides the optical limits for the resolution of the laser system due to diffraction effects, the positioning systems for the laser beam or the sample stage lead to further imprecisenesses. To benefit from the high resolution techniques for the structuring process, the need for highly accurate positioning systems has dramatically grown during the last years. A combination of lithographic techniques with a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NMM-1, developed at the TU Ilmenau, enables high precision structuring capability in an extended range. The large positioning volume of 25mm x 25mm x 5mm with a resolution in the sub-nanometer range is a good condition for ultra precision manufacturing with large area 3D-Laser-Lithography. Advantages and disadvantages as well as further developments of the NMM-1 system will be discussed related to current developments in the laser beam and nanopositioning system optimization. Part of the further development is an analysis of the implementability of additional ultra precise rotational systems in the NMM-1 for the unlimited addressability perpendicular to the surface of a hemisphere as key strategy for multiaxial nanopositioning and nanofabrication systems.
In this context it is well-known that in certain situations a surface profile obtained by an optical profiler will differ from the real profile. With respect to practical applications such deviations often occur in the vicinity of steep walls and in cases of high aspect ratio.
In this contribution we compare the transfer characteristics of different 3D optical profiler principles, namely white-light interferometry, focus sensing, and confocal microscopy. Experimental results demonstrate that the transfer characteristics do not only depend on the parameters of the optical measurement system (e. g. wavelength and coherence of light, numerical aperture, evaluated signal feature, polarization) but also on the properties of the measuring object such as step height, aspect ratio, material properties and homogeneity, rounding and steepness of the edges, surface roughness. As a result, typical artefacts such as batwings occur for certain parameter combinations, particularly at certain height-to-wavelength ratio (HWR) values. Understanding of the mechanisms behind these phenomena enables to reduce them by an appropriate parameter adaption. However, it is not only the edge artefacts, but also the position of an edge that may be changed due to the properties of the measuring object.
In order to investigate the relevant effects theoretically, several models are introduced. These are based on either an extension of Richards-Wolf modeling or rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA). Although these models explain the experimental effects quite well they suffer from different limitations, so that a quantitative correspondence of theoretical modeling and experimental results is hard to achieve.
Nevertheless, these models are used to study the characteristics of the measured signals occurring at edges of different step height compared to signals occurring at plateaus. Moreover, a special calibration sample with continuous step height variation was developed to reduce the impact of unknown sample properties. We analyzed the signals in both, the spatial and the spatial frequency domain, and found systematic signal changes that will be discussed. As a consequence, these simulations will help to interpret measurement results appropriately and to improve them by proper parameter settings and calibration and finally to increase the edge detection accuracy.
Therefore, the feasibility and the limits of a LFS scanner system have been investigated theoretically. Based on simulations of laser focus sensor scanning across simple topographies, it was found that there is potential to overcome the diffraction limitations to some extent by means of vicinity interference effects caused by the optical interaction of adjacent topography features. We think that it might be well possible to reconstruct the diffracting profile by means of rigorous diffraction simulation based on a thorough model of the laser focus sensor optics in combination with topography diffraction 6 in a similar way as applied in OCD. The difference lies in the kind of signal itself which has to be modeled. While standard OCD is based on spectra, LFS utilizes height scan signals. Simulation results are presented for different types of topographies (dense vs. sparse, regular vs. single) with lateral features near and beyond the classical resolution limit. Moreover, the influence of topography height on the detectability is investigated. To this end, several sensor principles and polarization setups are considered such as a dual color pin hole sensor and a Foucault knife sensor. It is shown that resolution beyond the Abbe or Rayleigh limit is possible even with “classical” optical setups when combining measurements with sophisticated profile retrieval techniques and some a-priori knowledge. Finally, measurement uncertainties are derived based on perturbation simulations according to the method presented in 7.
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